
At this first inaugural TX Cup, we will welcome college students from all over the state of Texas to showcase their ideas in a 4-minute pitch.

3 Round Pitch Competition


First round is held at your university


Submit a video of your
4-minute pitch by
May 6th


MAY 22-24
Live at the Mission Summit, in front of an audience with American Idol style voting

Judging Criteria


The most important aspect of a startup is the people behind it…even the best ideas fail without the right team of people behind it
Who are the individuals behind this business?
Are they people that you would be willing to put money behind – people you believe in?


Every great company needs a claim to fame
What gives this product or service the opportunity to be a leader?
Is there a need (in other words, does it make sense to start this)?


How big is the market?
How big is the market that this company is addressing?
What are the trends in this product’s market that provide an opportunity?


We know that the sun rises in east and that winter follows fall
What are the milestones they are using to show that they are on track to meet their goals?
How are they creating the business model/sources of revenue?


The great companies of tomorrow are going to have a mission component to them
What is the inspiration for the business?
What kind of impact are they trying to have for the employees, customers, or society?

We believe Texas is the new hub for entrepreneurship.

This May, GSV will be hosting our first Mission Summit - a gathering of 500 business leaders and entrepreneurs who all believe in our thesis: that the business ideas of tomorrow will have the ambition of a for-profit and the heart of a non-profit.

In conjunction with the Mission Summit, we are launching the Texas Cup (a pitch competition for college-aged entrepreneurs). The finalists of the Texas Cup will have the opportunity to present their pitch live at the Mission Summit! Every participant will receive free resources to help them refine their pitch, a free ticket to the Mission Summit, and the chance to join into the network of mission-minded entrepreneurs.

Michael Moe

Michael is the author of three books, “Finding the Next Starbucks”, “the Global Silicon Valley Handbook” and his most recent, “The Mission Corporation.”

Read Mission Corporation

What is GSV?

“Global Silicon Valley (GSV) is a growth-based investment platform that focuses on identifying the stars of tomorrow. GSV’s founder, Michael Moe, was an early investor in many Silicon Valley successes like Starbucks, Facebook, Twitter, Spotify, Dropbox, and Coursera. During his time at GSV he founded the ASU + GSV Education Technology Summit which has turned into the leading summit in this sector, attracting speakers and guests like President Obama, President Bush, and Bill Gates. This will be the EdTech Summit’s 14th year, churning over $15 million in profit and priceless networking opportunities. As part of this, GSV hosts a pitch competition for startups to showcase their ideas live at the ASU + GSV Summit.       

GSV Ventures

Contact us with any questions!